22 11, 2017

Nigel P. Williams speaks at ALFI PE & RE conference in Luxembourg


Nigel P. Williams presented his views on current governance challenges for private equity industry during the panel discussion at Private Equity & Real Estate Conference organized by the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry on November 21-22, 2017. He focused on the recent regulatory and tax initiatives and their impact on AIFMD implementation.

Nigel P. Williams speaks at ALFI PE & RE conference in Luxembourg2017-12-12T18:59:37+01:00
20 09, 2017

Proposal by the EU Commission may affect delegation of services


On 20 September 2017, the European Commission issued proposal 2017/0230 (COD) to reform the EU’s financial industry supervisory structure by reinforcing the role played by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) and providing ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority with new supervisory power. ESAs shall, between others, be in charge of the monitoring of National [...]

Proposal by the EU Commission may affect delegation of services2017-10-19T13:17:31+01:00
13 07, 2017

ESMA issues a Brexit opinion with important consequences for the fund management industry in Europe


On July 13th, 2017 ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority published an opinion in relation to supervisory convergence in the investment management sector in the context of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The opinion sets out a number of criteria to be applied and safeguards to be put in place when (UCITS [...]

ESMA issues a Brexit opinion with important consequences for the fund management industry in Europe2017-10-16T12:22:47+01:00
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